
How To Wear Lace Front Wigs (PHOTOS AND VIDEO)

Ladies, please take a look at the picture of Ciara below. That is how NOT to wear a lace front wig. Kindly follow this few steps below and tell me your result:

1.)   The first task is to create a flat surface for the wig to sit on. You can braid your hair down, mold it, or apply a stocking cap and/or wig liner. Most prefer molding or wrapping the hair when wearing a straight unit and braiding it when the unit is curly. The decision is yours.

2.)   Next cleanse your forehead perimeter with alcohol. this will

create a clean oil free surface which will be better for the adhesive to adhere to.

3.) All the hair of the wig hair should be pinned up before placing on your head. This will eliminate the hair from falling and sticking to the glue. be especially careful of the baby hairs the stick easily to excess glue.

4.)   Gradually start trimming the excess lace, the goal here is to create your hairline, only cut small amounts off at a time. Refrain from making jagged cuts in the lace only smooth precision ones. Stork scissors work well for cutting the lace.

Place the wig on your head, and evaluate how and where you would like the hairline. The goal is to find where the hairline will look most natural.

5.)   Mark or lightly outline where it is to be placed on your head. Do not apply adhesive outside these marks.

You should be able to place four fingers between your hairline and your eyebrows for the most natural look.

6.) After you have created your hairline, apply adhesive to the hairline so it can stay on your head. Let it semi-dry before placing your wig over it. It should be a little tacky sticky to the touch not stringy, for best hold results. Press down with comb.

7.) Add glue to excess spots that you may have missed. Make sure you let it semi dry before pressing down with comb. Lace should lay on forehead hairline smoothly with no ripples

Helpful Tips

1.)Don't push lace down with your fingers into the glue. The hair will stick and get matted up. Use the teeth of of wide tooth comb and press it flat against your scalp.

2.)Don't reapply glue to area with glue already, the glue will not stick to an old  previously glued surface. Area must be cleaned first, then reapply.

*Your unit should have a natural look.

*no glue should be visible on your forehead.

*Your baby hairs should not be stuck to your face with glue. 

How to Remove
1.)Pull all hair up into a ponytail, to provide better access to  hairline where remover should be placed.

2.)Apply the lace adhesive remover to the adhesive around

 perimeter of hairline. Be careful not to let it run in your
 eyes. Let remover set in for a minute or two, then
 gradually remove the lace. 

3.)   It is best to clean the unit when it is completely off the
 head. Glue gets embedded in the lace after a while of
wearing. This glue has to be removed  before shampooing
your unit. Spray any areas that have old adhesive on it let
 it soak in for a few minutes then squeeze excess glue from

4.)  It's best to clean old glue from your unit before shampooing. You should let the unit dry naturally then you can reapply, style or store it. 

Watch the DIY Video Below: